Visit to Fair Shares Community Time Bank

Being certified as a B Corporation has made us focus on how we interact with and support our local communities.  

As part of this commitment, Carole, our practice administrator, went along to Fair Shares in Gloucester to see how we, as a team, could help with the various projects that they run there.

Fair Shares community time bank brings people together to utilise individual skills for the benefit of the community.

One of the main areas we feel we could help with is the City Farm. The current area needs a little TLC and redesign of where the buildings should be to ensure that they are using the space to the greatest extent possible.  A very exciting project and one that we can’t wait to get involved with – watch this space for more details.

As well as the outdoor facilities, Fair Shares also runs lunch clubs and workshops regularly – once again this is something that we hope to be able to contribute to throughout the year.

If you would like to know more about Community time banks you can visit their website.

Below: members of the Fair Share team visit the studio.


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